
Now a day’s, girls spend a lot of their time on make up to make them attractive. People think that make up can make them more attractive for others. But it is wrong thinking. Attraction is not the matter of makeup but a matter of care. Time shortage is another major problem in maintaining your beauty. Even lack of sleep can affect your body very badly and you will look like old age and your skin does not remain fresh for longer time. Make up is not necessary way to enhance your beauty. Even  for young girls, school aging girls it is not beneficial way so try natural ways to maintain your beauty rather than sticky on artificial one. Natural means provide you fresh skin for longer time and will not damage your skin in any way. Cleaning of your body is an important way and without it you are unable to look attractive for others.

You can look more beautiful without make up if you follow some steps.
  • First and foremost, take your bath regularly don’t miss it
  • Use quality products of shampoo and conditioners for your hair don’t let them dry
  • Add lemon in water while taking a bath to remove smell of your body especially from underarms and use perfumes/body sprays
  • Clean your face with quality soaps and face wash
  • Clean your teeth regularly
  • Give much care to your hair style don’t use low quality shampoo for your hairs
  • Select the dress which is  fit to your body don’t wear loose dress and don’t wear too much dark colors or too much light instead select colors according to your skin complexion
  • Build confidence in your personality and make eye contact whenever you talk with others
  • Try to be a creative mind and raise your ability to take better decision it will appreciate you in the eyes of others.
  • Be regular and keep yourself up to date with knowledge
  • Proper exercise is also very important to maintain your physical fitness
  • Exercises enhance blood circulation in body and keep your skin fresh and beautiful
  • Exercise is also beneficial for strong body and muscles so it can make you more attractive by maintaining your body shape and in reducing the overweight  problems
  • Most important talk in well manners and behave with others in appropriate way that people find you as a helping person for them
  • Be friendly and humble don’t show attitude
  • A smile on your face can make you friendly enough that people will feel free in interacting with you and in sharing their problem with you it will not only increase your external beauty but also your internal beauty.

By following these tips there will be no need of makeup but you will be appreciate everywhere and you will be more attractive for the people. Groom your personality with inner and external qualities rather than of using artificial means.